The antitussive drug Taci-Bex® contained butopiprine bromhydrate as the active principle. The drug showed spasmolytic properties with a musculotropic action, and a local anesthetic effect as well. It was used to manage mucus hypersecretion commonly seen in acute bronchitis and chronic broncho-pneumopathies. The drug was considered as a fluidifying agent to facilitate expectoration.
Butopiprine (2-butoxyethyl 2-phenyl-2-piperidinylacetate) presents a structural analogy with other antispasmodic compounds such as bietamiverine, piprocurarium (also called brevicurarine), and dipiproverine which have curarimimetic properties. Taci-Bex is no longer used in human medicine today but its active principle butopiprine can be found in drugs used in veterinary medicine, notably to regulate bronchial secretion and cough in cats (Felitussyl).

An illustration of the fluidifying effect of the drug, used to treat airways obstruction.