Scientific writing
Oncowitan is your partner to write and edit your scientific reviews, book chapters, dossiers, brochures, etc. With a large track-record (about 400 publications in peer-review journals, to date), Oncowitan can provide expertises in Oncology, Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology.
Recent scientific publications:

Oncowitan brings you expertise in Life Sciences, Drug Targets and Drug Discovery in Oncology. The study of the mechanism of action of anticancer natural products represents a significant know-how of Oncowitan. We can also assist you to best position and to promote your synthetic molecules and targeted therapeutics, including branded or generic pharmaceuticals.

Phytomedicine 2019, 62:152956. Read
In the field of Biotechnology, Oncowitan brings its expertise in the R&D of biotherapeutic products, essentially anticancer monoclonal antibodies and antibody-drug conjugates (ADC), or various immuno-conjugate molecules.
Oncowitan is your partner to retrace the history of your drug product, to highlight novel properties or a new positioning, to shed light on drug/target innovation, to promote the adavantages of your new treatment in the international context.
Scientific evaluation
Oncowitan provides independent scientific and strategic analyses of projects and dossiers. As a regular reviewer for scientific journals (members of Editorial Advisory Boards), we can provide solid analysis of publications, grant applications and business dossiers submitted to funding agencies, universities, research organizations, etc. Oncowitan provides a totally independent and objective analysis of all applications in oncology and related R&D domains. Oncowitan does not provide medical analysis, but a robust scientific expertise.
Oncowitan is at your disposal to participate in expert panels, juries, boards and scientific commissions.