A multi-ingredient drug prescribed to treat liver insufficiency and dyspepsia (indigestion) or abdominal discomfort. The liquid product (formulated in glass ampules) helped to treat or prevent constipation and to alleviate painful abdominal symptom. Hépagrume contained arginine, betaine, choline citrate, inositol, and sorbitol. The amino acid betaine (trimethylglycine) is an osmolyte acting as a protective agent in cells and organs. It shows antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities and participates in the methionine cycle in the liver and kidneys. Betaine is commonly used for the prevention of chronic disease. Choline is also an essential nutrient for the liver (and for muscles and the brain) as a major component of lipid metabolism. It is naturally produced in small amounts in the liver but an exogenous intake is essential to prevent signs of deficiency. Sorbitol is a major osmoprotective agent. Globally, Hépagrume acted as an osmoprotectant to overcome the development of liver disorders. Today, Hépagrume remains available over the counter (OTC) in pharmacies.
